Description: The SSpot is synonymous with quality time progressing in your favorite sport with your favorite instructor / rider, regardless of the season, riding at the best spots, like in a dream. From privately guided backcountry trips and freestyle snowparks in the Țarcu, Parâng, Vulcan, Retezat and Făgăraș mountains, to architectural snow park designs, building and maintenance, this crew is all about high level snowboarding and skiing. We host year-round camps and one hell of a good time, on all different types of boards and surfaces in the wilderness of Romania. Professional and award winning instructors, finding and building the best spots, all while making the world a better place. Book your trip and let the challenges begin!
Sports: MTB, Wakeboard, Climbing, Snowboard, Ski
Types of Instruction: Private Lessons, Group Lessons, Camps
Levels: Beginner – Expert
Styles: Downhill, Freestyle, Freeride
When: December – May: Snowboard / Ski; May – December: MTB / Wakeboard / Climbing
Phone: +40 (722) 375 248